Pavitra's notes

Taking care of 6 puppies

Taking care of one pup is hard work. Taking care of 6 is a logistical nightmare, but they are a responsibility after all.

My family decided never to have anymore pups after our last pup, Polly, who passed away in October 13th 2013. We all had pretty much made up our minds on this one.

But God has a sense of humor and irony. He made a pregnant dog give birth to 6 puppies inside our house. I was the first one to discover it. The 6 puppies looked like small hamsters. I remember crying twice. Once because they were so cute, twice because I wondered 'How are we going to handle them?'

Almost 3 years later, we have created a system where all 6 pups are well fed, their poop and pee is cleaned. They have also become a lot calmer with time. Indeed there were some teething issues to create this system, but with trail and error, my family was able to make taking care of 6 dogs a relatively easy, routine-based system.