Pavitra's notes

Pandemic Indifference

As we are now at the tail end of the pandemic, it's a good time to reflect our response to this humanity-threatening pandemic. My personal take? I was perplexed at the level of indifference seen by authorities, world leaders, media and the entire world population in general.

In the US alone, more than 1 million people died due to this deadly pandemic. Other countries may have even stop counting after a certain point.

People who are in power, had a totally different agenda than that of the scientific community. It was mainly to look good with "low numbers". Not to mention the response against mask and vaccination. That is a whole different topic altogether.

We are still unaware of the actual number of deaths and we will never know.

Collectively we have not learnt any lesson from this pandemic. It will only get worse when the next airborne pandemic hits which would be even deadlier than Covid-19.