Pavitra's notes

Motivational Quotes

Few motivation gems I found online

Some quotes I found online from different motivational speakers which personally has helped me.

"Do not aim for perfection. Aim for progress."

This one I got from the youtube channel "But first, coffee" who talks about de-cluttering your home.

"Do something that your future self would thank you"

Again, got this one from the youtube "But first, coffee"

"Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for"

This is a quote from Jordan Peterson's 12 rules of life. Although I don't always agree with him, I did find few quotes which can help me get through each day in a productive way.

"Always assume someone else knows something you don't. "

Again, another rule from Jordan Peterson's 12 rules of life. This helps me practice humility in front of others . This also helps me assume the best in people. Basically keeping an open mind about people.

"Just because you are nervous, doesn't mean you stop trying"

This is a pet quote of mine. Everyone of us feels nervous. That makes us human. But the motivation to stop trying should never stop.

"You reap what you sow."

Oh yes, this is definitely a quote one can use when one feels networking fatigued and find themselves going nowhere.

"Try your best. If things don't workout, that's life. But you don't stop giving your best."

"Use your time in learning something new"

This is huge for me. I feel the brain needs to be kept young after all.

These rules help me stay motivated even during the worst of days.