Pavitra's notes

Monday Mornings

Monday morning is something we all fear and dread. It's the start of the week where all the responsibilities pile up upon our head, whether one is a working professional, student or a homemaker.

It is not the Monday morning which causes dread but the sign of the end of the weekend relaxation, and the start of a 5-6 day daily grind where we all have to show up, and work hard towards our goals. Which can be daunting since achieving our goals is filled with hurdles, frustration and exhaustion.

Few ways we can make our Mondays less daunting is by adding some fun activities on the Monday evenings (if possible). Working out on Monday evenings can be a good stress buster and will help you get good sleep.

If you have anymore ideas on how to make Monday mornings less daunting, please let me more. Your feedback would be appreciated.