Pavitra's notes

Modern Economy

Gone are those days when one could claim "I have got a job. My life is set". That concept is obsolete. After surviving for a decade in this modern economy where jobs are transient, I learnt a few harsh lessons.

  1. You could have a well paying job today only to lose it for reasons which have nothing to do with you.

  2. You are always in competition with people half your age and willing to work for half the salary. Companies love that. For them, it's a feast.

  3. Skill development is a continuous process. No matter what your age is, developing skills needs to be the default. I understand that time can be a luxury not everyone can afford. But if one can, do not waste this precious resource. Use it well for developing skills which will keep you employable as much as possible.

  4. Save money as much as possible during feast so that you can survive the fast. Specially between jobs, the saved money can be a life saver. Not just to survive the lack of job, but also to have a better bargaining power during interviews.

I hope this article was insightful. Your feedback would be appreciated. I am always listening with an open mind.