Pavitra's notes

Data Breaches

Data breaches is one such topic I am quite passionate about. Specially after the wake of Ashley Madison data breach in 2015, I have tried to learn as much about data breaches as possible and what companies can do to protect it.

What companies can do to protect their data? Plenty.

  1. Conduct routine training on password hygiene, and enabling 2 factor authentication as much as possible. Educate the employees on phishing links and not to click on any suspicious emails and links.

  2. Routinely updating software(s).

  3. Depending upon the company and its size, conduct pen-testing and mitigate any potential risks detected.

  4. Last but not the least, be aware of disgruntled employees who may try and hurt the privacy of the organization. A lot of data-breaches happen because of an "insider" employee who can (sometimes unwittingly) end up acting as a Trojan horse.

Data privacy is the need of the hour. Companies should do everything in their power so that their customer's data is secure to prevent any major hacking event which can not only cause damage to the customer but also destroy the company's reputation.

I hope I was able to convey the need for data security. Privacy is a human right after all.