Pavitra's notes

Computer Hacking is like a project

Movies and TV have done a huge disservice when it comes to representing what computer hacking really means. It is not some hoodie-wearing kid on a black screen with green letters typing gibberish and hacking into the system. It is like a project. A long drawn out project. First goes the reason to hack someone/ some organization. Reasons can vary from ransomware infection to gain money from hacktivism. But most reasons are money related. To earn a quick buck.

Then goes the planning. Like any project there goes plenty of planning as to how one goes about it. What is the target and how to reach the target. Not to mention it takes a lot of luck and many events in series going about the exact way as we want if we want our "project" to be successful.

Then comes the human resource. If it is one person or multiple people with the necessary skillset needed to execute the "project". There is no such thing as the "best hacker in the world" because cybersecurity and hacking are such vast fields that one can either specialize in one field or be a jack-of-all-trades. Each person beings their skill set and their access rights.

Last, but not the least, it takes time, dedication and resources to complete any project. Which most people lack. No one will just "hack into your gmail account" or "hack your facebook" because most people are busy in their lives. Ofcourse, one must still follow the security hygiene tips on a daily basis to keep oneself as secure as possible. But these things go on a scale. From one person to small hacking event to a group with a big hacking event.